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What to Expect During Your In-Lab Sleep Study, Step by Step

What to Expect During Your In-Lab Sleep Study, Step by Step

If you’ve scheduled an in-lab sleep study, it can help to know what to expect. At Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep, we offer in-lab testing to understand what’s disrupting your sleep.

In-lab studies allow our sleep specialists to use the most advanced technologies to diagnose sleep disorders like obstructive sleep apnea. Ashok Tyagi, DO, CPE, and Himanshu Chandarana, MD, also design personalized treatment plans to improve sleep quality.

We understand that sleeping in a strange place can be uncomfortable, but our staff creates a welcoming, comfortable environment so you can relax. Here, we outline what you can expect during and after your in-lab sleep study.

What to know about an in-lab sleep study

An in-lab sleep study uses technologies that measure and record your sleep behaviors and multiple biological functions. We conduct the test in a special sleep lab where a team of sleep specialists monitors your vital signs and behaviors in real time throughout the night.

Sleep studies can help confirm or rule out the causes of symptoms like:

Your provider may first order an at-home sleep study to evaluate your symptoms. If this test doesn’t yield enough details about your health or sleep behaviors, an in-lab study can provide more answers.

Step-by-step details of an in-lab sleep study

Step 1: 

After you arrive at our sleep lab, we help you settle in and prepare to fall asleep. The room you stay in is quiet and comfortable.

Step 2: 

We attach electrodes to the surface of your scalp, eyelids, chin, chest, and legs. Our team also puts a pulse oximeter on the tip of your finger to monitor your pulse and may place a belt around your chest and a tube under your nose to monitor various body functions.

Step 3: 

Try to fall asleep like you usually do. You can communicate directly with staff anytime during your study if you need to use the bathroom or have any issues with the sensors. We can disconnect and reattach the sensors if necessary.

Step 4:

Most people who undergo an in-lab sleep study may initially find it difficult to fall asleep in a new place surrounded by medical equipment. However, nearly everyone eventually drifts off so our team can complete the study. 

Two hours of sleep is generally enough to consider the test valid.

What to expect after your study

Following your sleep study, our staff removes the sensors and other equipment so you can get ready to go home.

Expect a follow-up appointment to learn about the results of your test. Dr. Chandarana or Dr. Tyagi discusses any additional testing you might need to evaluate underlying health issues.

Your doctor can also recommend a treatment plan if your in-lab sleep study identifies obstructive sleep apnea or another sleep disorder.

Call Stat Care Pulmonary and Sleep in St. Petersburg, Florida, today to learn more about the benefits of an in-lab sleep study. 

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